Vintage Bee

Company Details

David Stefanov

Kreindlgasse 10
AT-1190 Vienna

Court of Jurisdiction: Commercial Court Vienna
Authority according to ECG: Municipal District Office of the 19th District

VAT ID: ATU78564901

E-Mail: office(at)vintage-bee(dot)com

Information about online dispute resolution

Consumers have the option of submitting complaints to the EU’s online dispute resolution platform:
You can also submit your complaint directly to our email address: support(at)vintage-bee(dot)com

Links to External Content

You will also find links to other internet presentations on our website. We assume no responsibility or liability for the content presented there or for the links to other presentations that are available there, as we have no influence whatsoever on the content. If, contrary to expectations, inappropriate content is displayed or links are no longer up-to-date, we kindly ask that you inform us immediately.


Despite careful processing without guarantee.
Date changes and data errors reserved.

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